About Me!
Suzanne Guimond, MA
ICF Certified Personal, Professional, and Leadership Coach
As someone who has overcome adversities, I’ve had many wonderful life experiences that have lead me to where I am today. I deeply believe in what I do, which is to work with individuals, spouse/partners, or groups to discover their passions and how to pursue those passions.
I graduated from the Boston School for the Deaf. Then, I attended Gallaudet University and obtained my bachelor’s degree in social work. I earned my master’s degree in Deaf education from Ball State University.
I worked for 12 years as a student development planner and first/second-grade teacher at the Indiana School for the Deaf. It was in these roles that I recognized my innate ability at planning, dynamic creativity in coming up with solutions, and empathetic communication with people of all ages and experiences. That has served me well in my current line of work.
I believe in being an active part of the community. To that end, I’ve always been involved with community organizations serving Deaf and DeafBlind individuals. Since 2010, I have served On the Deaf Advocates for Lives of Integrity without Violence through Empowerment (DeafALIVE) board, including a two-year stint as president. Currently, I sit on the Indianapolis Mayor’s Action Council for Disabilities.
In 2014, after a 18-month all-Deaf and ASL program, I was thrilled to receive my certification from the International Coaching Federation through Crossroads Solutions Center.
Most importantly, I’m a mother of 21-year old and a 16-year old, and a yellow lab.